Rosy Dunstan Welcomes you to our Special Wholesale Account Explanation Page.
Phone: 818-800-8356 Email:

Organic CBD Oil Plus Organic CBG Oil
Plus Organic Essential Oils Provide Fast Acting Relief for Aching Muscles and Joints
Plus Natural Skin Moisturizers That Can Help Repair and Protect Damaged Skin As Well

Welcome to Greenwood Health Systems

If your practice involves helping your patients minimize their pain related problems, our products could be a perfect match (and additional profit center) for your organization.
If you are a retail outlet, such as a Pharmacy or Health Food Store, you are already aware of the fact that many of your customers are actively searching for EFFECTIVE Pain Relief products and are quite prepared to spend money to obtain them.
We offer highly discounted Wholesale Accounts and there is no “approval process” required for these accounts. To enjoy all of the wholesale account benefits, simply visit the “Place Product Order” page and place an initial order.
NOTE: if you use the coupon code “first” when placing that order, you will receive a 20% discount on the order.
Listed below are the pricing details for all available product size options. While we have minimal ordering requirements, we do offer larger discounts for larger sized orders.
NOTE: While all products are provided in “squeezable” bottles, we also ship an attachable pump with each product.
Should you have any unanswered questions. please contact Barry directly and he will be happy to answer them for you.

Our displayed retail price of this product is $44.00 per bottle and our own advertising generates many product sales and reorders at this price.
Our Wholesale Account Holders pricing and ordering structure is as follows.
You may order in 10 bottle lots for only $19.00 each. (This allows you a potential $25.00 retail profit per bottle).
You may order in 25 bottle lots for only $17.00 each. (This allows you a potential $27.00 retail profit per bottle).
You may order in 50 bottle lots for only $15.00 each. (This allows you a potential $29.00 retail profit per bottle).
NOTE: This size contains 500mg of CBD and 250mg of CBG.

Our displayed retail price of this product is $89.00 per bottle and our own advertising generates many product sales and reorders at this price.
Our Wholesale Account Holders pricing and ordering structure is as follows.
You may order in 6 bottle lots for only $39.00 each. (This allows you a potential $50.00 retail profit per bottle).
You may order in 12 bottle lots for only $38.00 each. (This allows you a potential $51.00 retail profit per bottle).
You may order in 25 bottle lots for only $36.00 each. (This allows you a potential $53.00 retail profit per bottle).
You may order in 50 bottle lots for only $34.00 each. (This allows you a potential $55.00 retail profit per bottle).
NOTE: This size contains 2000mg of CBD and 1000mg of CBG.
The 64oz (Half Gallon) Bottle of CBD ESSENTIAL PAIN RELIEF CREAM

This sized bottle is not available to the general public, as we produce it specifically for our Wholesale Account holders for use in their professional practices.
This size is primarily used by Massage and Pain Relief Therapists as well as Spa and Salon clients.
This container holds the same amount of product as 8 of the 8oz bottles.
Our pricing of $199.00 per unit equates to only $24.87 per 8 ounces, which is a much more effective pricing model for Therapists who are going to use it with multiple patients.
The bottle is shipped with a sealed cap and a separate pump action delivery attachment that may be used at your convenience.
NOTE: This size contains 16000mg of CBD and 8000mg of CBG.
1/2 Ounce Single Use Sachets of CBD ESSENTIAL PAIN RELIEF CREAM

These 1/2oz sachets are not available to the general public, as we produce them specifically for our Wholesale Account holders to use as samples.
These sachets are the perfect way to show patients or prospective retail customers just how effective and fast acting The CBD ESSENTIAL PAIN RELIEF CREAM is.
These are available in lots of 20 for $50.00 which equates to $2.50 per unit.
NOTE: They are to be used as samples and are clearly marked as “Not for resale”
Full Color Tri-Fold Product Brochures

These professionally designed brochures are available for Wholesale Account holders to purchase for their marketing efforts.
They have a blank “For Information Contact” space on the back panel where you may either place your own stamp, or attach an “Avery” type label to personalize them.
These are available in lots of 50 for $12.00.
To view the full brochure, please CLICK HERE (opens in a new window).
Note 1: This is a “Print Ready” copy of the artwork, so ignore the guide markings on the sides.
Note 2: Should you wish to use a version of this brochure with your own contact details already printed on them, this can be arranged.
We are happy to supply you with a “Print Ready” personalized copy of this artwork for a one-time fee of $25.00.
We will then also put you in contact with our printer, or you can use your own printer to have them produced in whatever quantity you desire.
Online Advertising Material
Should you happen to have any sort of Mailing List for your patients or clients, we have numerous professionally designed advertising images available for you to use. These images may be downloaded from your Wholesale Account Back Office.

Protecting Our Retail Price Points
We rigorously protect our realistic retail price points. While our Wholesale Account holders are totally free to set their own retail pricing policies in their practices, stores and on their personal or company websites, we DO NOT permit the sale of our products at discounted prices on Amazon, eBay or other public websites of that nature.
People Desperate for Pain Relief Spend a Lot of $$'s on Products Offering Hope
It is worth noting that the greatest single driving factor for the “Pain Relief” market are age related conditions. The simple truth is that the older we get, the more pain we have to deal with. As 10,000 people are turning 65 every day in the USA, this market will continually grow in size.
Disclaimer: We make no comments on the effectiveness or value for the money spent of these products below. They are simply examples of just how expensive other available pain relief products are.
We do, however consider our products to be very reasonably priced and extremely cost effective, when compared to other similar products.
As our own retail clients have a reorder rate of 95%, we know they are happy with the results they are obtaining.

This product is available in a 7.2oz container at a retail price of $300.00

This product is available in a 16oz container at a retail price of $317.00

This product is available in a 4oz container at a retail price of $149.95

This product is available in a 4oz container at a retail price of $134.91
Our Shipping and Handling Policy
All orders are shipped via the USPS Priority Mail service. Orders placed on a business day prior to 2:00 PM (CST) are shipped that day. Orders place at other times are shipped the next business day.
Our S&H charge on all orders is a flat rate of $9.00 per order.
NOTE: Payment may be made with Visa, MasterCard or Discover. We Do NOT Accept American Express.
One Final Important Point
The CBD and CBG Oils we use in our formulation are organically grown and processed in the USA with a Zero THC content.
This is an important factor for clients who can be subject to employment related drug testing.